Friday 30 December 2022

What is Ultraviolet (UV) and Advantage and Disadvantage


What is Ultraviolet (UV)

By using ultraviolet radiation, UV technology can destroy the DNA of living organisms like cells, viruses, and spores. The dead microorganisms remain in the water but are rendered completely harmless. Ultraviolet purifiers can only kill microorganisms, they won’t help with other contaminants such as chlorine, fluoride, or inorganic materials like metals including lead. To remove those contaminants, you’d need to pair a UV water purifier with another system. UV or Ultraviolet water purifier is a proven technology that is capable to kill waterborne disease-causing microorganisms, and pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and cysts. UV lamp releases UV lamp when running water exposed to UV light, whatever germs like bacteria and viruses are damaged, inactive.

Advantages of UV water purifier

1. Low maintenance cost

UV technology not only makes water safe to drink, but it also helps you save money on upkeep. In the water storage tank, UV lamps do not stimulate algae growth. As a result, you won't have to deal with manually cleaning the water storage tank. Change the UV lamp once a year or when it stops working.

2. Improved water savings

When hazardous bacteria and toxins accumulate in the tank water, the tank must be emptied, resulting in water waste. However, if you use a water purifier with UV technology, you won't have to worry about this. Despite the fact that the UV lamp kills all pathogens in the water tank, the bacteria' lifeless corpses remain in the water. RO water filtration comes into play to solve this issue.

3. High purification rate

 The UV water purifier is capable to deliver 2 to 4 litres of purified water within a minute. UV water purification systems disinfect water with outstanding efficiency. It’s possible to completely disinfect water in one cycle, increasing throughput and volume treated.

4. Very less manual cleaning

If you have a UV water purifier with a storage tank, it requires cleaning twice a week, whereas without a storage tank water purifier needs almost no manual cleaning.

5. Flexible UV intensity

One of the common misconceptions of UV purification is you need a bigger system to treat water to a higher quality. This is not true. You need the correct disinfection dose (mg/cm²) which is determined by UV intensity, not system size. System size determines the flow rate.

Disadvantages of UV water purifier

1. Germs' bodies remain in purified water

UV water purifier kills waterborne disease-causing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, but their dead bodies still remain in purified drinking water. In case of fewer germs not being exposed to UV light and remaining life or redevelop and reproduce their population and makes water impure.

2. UV Doesn’t Improve Water’s Taste

Microorganisms like bacteria and viruses might be dangerous to drink, but they don’t affect water’s taste. Using a UV water purifier, before and after purification taste and colour does not alter. If treating water has a bad smell, or odour then use the Activated Carbon water purifier with a combination of UV water purifiers.

3. UV Water Filtration Requires Electricity

A UV water purifier works by emitting UV light, and the UV lamp needs to be powered by an electricity supply. Although UV filtration has low operating costs and doesn’t use more electricity than a standard light bulb, installing a UV water filter will increase your energy bill slightly.

4. UV water purifier does not remove toxic chemicals

UV light exposure does not affect chemicals like chlorine, or fluoride. If your water contains harmful chemicals, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, or sediment, a UV water treatment system can’t be used to remove these contaminants. That’s because ultraviolet light is only effective in treating living organisms.

5. Does not effective on turbid, mud water

 Undissolved Solids like sand, mud and other organic solid matter become an obstacle to passing UV light through the water.

UV water purifier does not purify hard water. UV water purifier designed for purifying low TDS(Total Dissolved Solids) lake, and river water.

Thursday 22 December 2022

What is Water Purifiers


Water Purifiers

RO (Reverse Osmosis) is a blessing in the world of water purifiers. It proves to be a highly efficient process for removing undesirable chemicals, and organic and inorganic materials, separating the pollutants and contaminants from water over a semi-permeable membrane. RO purifiers are best for water with high TDS content. So if you are staying in an area where the water supply contains a high amount of TDS, buying the RO water purifier for safe drinking water is recommended.  A water purifier treats water using one or more purification methods to make it safe.

Difference between water purification and water filter (Water purifiers vs water filters)

Water filters

Water filters and water purifiers can offer several incredible health benefits by removing certain impurities from drinking water. This improves the taste, colour, and purity of the water. Water filtration focuses on impurities such as bacteria or larger particles. Many water filtration systems use activated carbon to block out unwanted microscopic contaminants from entering your drinking water. Because most toxic water impurities are carbon-based, water filters can be extremely effective at keeping your water safe and healthy. 

Water Purification

Like water filters, water purifiers work to remove impurities from water and Water purification works to further purify water from contaminants that filtration methods can’t address. It removes the chemicals, viruses, and biological contaminants that filters don’t. Besides, water purification involves processes like UV treatment, distillation, deionization, and Reverse Osmosis.

Types of water purifiers

There are three methods of water purification: reverse osmosis (RO), distillation, and ultraviolet (UV).

Reverse Osmosis(RO)

Reverse osmosis is the most commonly known method of water purification. Reverse Osmosis is a very popular method of water purification that uses membrane technology. It is used to remove dissolved salts, impurities, and germs from the water. The semipermeable membrane allows only water to pass through it and leaves harmful chemicals, dissolved salts, and microbes suspended in water.


Distillation is one of the oldest methods of water treatment and is still in use today, though not commonly as a home treatment method. It can effectively remove many contaminants from drinking water, including bacteria, inorganic and many organic compounds. Distillation is a type of water purification that separates contaminants from the water through boiling. When water is boiled, clean water evaporates into steam while the contaminant particles are left behind.

Ultraviolet (UV)

By using ultraviolet radiation, UV technology can destroy the DNA of living organisms like cells, viruses, and spores. The dead microorganisms remain in the water but are rendered completely harmless. Ultraviolet purifiers can only kill microorganisms, they won’t help with other contaminants such as chlorine, fluoride, or inorganic materials like metals including lead. You’d need to pair a UV water purifier with another system to remove those contaminants.


Chemical free Dog shampoo

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